g in t e k o r ta c i m r c t i n r t cen - ce ad- e t ln t Im ou r c a roc ITSMA on ABM’s benefits P F a Here’s what ITSMA says about ABM’s benefits. Clients Marketing • Feel better understood from in-depth analysis • Aligns sales and marketing in a unified account • Understand vendor offerings, strategy and strategy solutions more broadly • Orchestrates coherent, relevant messages • Enjoy increased customer satisfaction • Increases marketing ROI • Experience a more tailored approach • Consistently tailors campaigns • Develop deeper partnership with vendors • Strengthens brand reputation • Tend to position and sell vendor across the • Secures more customer references organization Source: A Practitioner’s Guide to Account Based Marketing, Bev Burgess Sales and Dave Munn, ITSMA • Earns status of trusted vendor and partner • Has richer conversations “I t is my view that Account-Based • Aligns better with customer needs Marketing (ABM) is on the threshold of • Uncovers new opportunities revolutionizing the marketing domain. • Increases revenue, margin and wallet-share • Stays on the same page with the rest of the team It shows all the potential of bringing about a much-needed paradigm shift.” Professor Malcolm McDonald, Emeritus Professor, Cranfield University School of Management 16

The Clear & Complete Guide to ABM - Page 17 The Clear & Complete Guide to ABM Page 16 Page 18