3. Develop account insights ABM works because it lets you invest Cut through the noise to engage with the more of your limited resources in the right people biggest accounts that are most likely In ABM, executives aren’t raising their hands, as to buy. The entire strategy depends they do with inbound marketing. They haven’t on doing your homework and learning expressed interest in you, as they do with lead- about target accounts (and key buyers based demand generation. at those accounts) so you can To engage these buyers, you must delight maximize your relevance and them, educate them, and always add value. resonance within each. B2B industries are more competitive today than Leveraged properly, account-specific insight will ever before. They’re crowded, commoditized, have a dramatic impact on every engagement: noisy, and everybody is trying to knock on the same doors. Buyers are overwhelmed by this • People will be more likely to open and noise, and will immediately throw away anything read your emails. uninteresting, hit ‘SPAM’ on emails that smell like • They’ll consume and share more of your content. sales, and ignore your ads (no matter how targeted • They’re more likely to attend your events they may be). and webinars. We need to break through all that noise to be • They’re more likely to take and return your successful with ABM. The best way to do that is sales calls. with insight-driven customization. • Your sales and customer meetings will be more productive and effective. • Your sales and cross-sell cycles will be accelerated. That’s the power of relevance and resonance — and that’s why insight is so critical to ABM success. 53

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