Funding Account Based Marketing is a marathon. That 4 ABM Performance Over Time 1 = Needs Improvement, 3 = Meeting Objectives, 5 = Excelling means you need to get proper funding for a program that won’t deliver clear revenue 3.5 3.7 immediately — and possibly not for a long time. If you hide this fact when you make your business 3 3.3 case, you’re putting a time bomb inside your ABM program. Instead, make sure all executives 2.5 2.6 understand the timescales and metrics you’ll be using to ensure you’re making progress 2 towards revenue. 1.5 1.6 The companies who stay with their ABM strategies and track the right metrics invariably 1 show significant return on their investment. But success is not measured in weeks (or 0.5 even months in many cases). Marketing typically funds ABM programs initially, 0 and funding for technology typically comes from the Inception < 1yr 1yr - 2yr > 2yr general marketing budget (unless it is something Stick with your ABM program — results improve continuously over time. specifically for ABM such as account insight). By year three of an ABM program, however, many sales executives tend to be willing to fund the campaigns that benefit their most important accounts. They’ve seen the results and want more. 143