( ) Direct mail in ABM cont’d Don’t ignore the team! “ We’ll start with direct mail as Alternately, send packages that require people to the centerpiece of our marketing The personal note get together and discuss your solution. We had one campaign, and then layer in display Handwritten, personal notes can have customer send a locked box to one stakeholder advertising, social, emails and just as big an impact as the high-value and the key to another, with a note prompting them direct mail piece — as long as they’re to get together. outbound calls to create a true timely, well-targeted and demonstrate omni-channel experience for our insight about the recipient. “ Sending direct mail is one of target accounts. We’ve found that Meanwhile, direct mail vendors can those rare creative moments high-impact direct mail pieces are generate and deliver handwritten most marketers dream of. At first one of the most effective ways to (or apparently handwritten) notes glance you may think you’re simply get our foot in the door at large based on automated ABM plays. sending coffee mugs or assorted enterprise accounts where we’ve sweets, but what you’re really previously not seen much success.” sending is your brand in a box.” Julia Stead, PFL VP Marketing, Invoca 77