Introduction B2B demand generation has completely reinvented itself over the last decade. The collision of inbound, content marketing, lead nurturing, marketing automation, analytics, email, search, social media and native advertising has transformed the discipline from a dark art to an increasingly data-driven science. But there’s a problem. All of these tactics and technologies are optimized When it comes to helping to land and expand But ABM doesn’t require you to unplug all that for a specific kind of deal: higher velocity, lower these major deals, today’s marketing teams you’re doing now and start over. Instead, it’s a value deals often driven through by a single buyer. are seriously handicapped. complementary strategy that works alongside your existing demand generation processes — sharing As a result, today’s B2B marketing departments The Clear & Complete Guide to Account resources, data, tools and technologies with them. struggle to support the most important deals of all: the Based Marketing (Second Edition) is your guide long, complex sales that involve many stakeholders, to solving this problem. We’ve seen Account Based Marketing in action departments and disciplines. The biggest deals. across a wide range of companies, and we’re It will take you, step-by-step, through this fast- convinced that this is the way virtually all big deals emerging discipline, showing you how to align your will be won and grown. Those who don’t practice it New in this Edition sales and marketing team around a strategy that’s will lose to those who do. This second edition incorporates everything optimized for the biggest, most important deals. we’ve learned over the last three years working If your company depends on large, complex, with 100s of B2B companies. With over 70% As you’ll see, ABM is not a magic wand. Instead, long-cycle deals — landing and expanding them fresh content, it brings all-new best practices in it’s a powerful combination of people, process systematically, efficiently and measurably — account tiering, sales and marketing alignment, and technology that, deployed intelligently, this could well be the most important guide multi-channel orchestration, multi-touch will out-perform every other demand generation you’ll ever read. attribution, and more. initiative in your company. Let’s get to work.