Sales development in ABM Because of the importance of the This goes way beyond simple sequences or “ Targeting outreach campaigns human touch in ABM outreach, Sales cadences. Sales automation is still automation, by account enables Cloudera SDRs Development Reps (SDRs) — also and buyers can spot ‘robo-spam’ a mile away. to research individual accounts and ABM done correctly brings deep research and known as Account Development Reps personalization to ensure each touch is relevant buyers and speak to their exact pain (ADRs) or Business Development Reps and personalized. Instead of sending more emails points. As a result, these campaigns (BDRs) — are the ‘tip of the spear’ when to get a reply, it sends better emails. produce a 60% open rate, 31% response reaching out to accounts. Sending generic, templated emails is bad enough rate, and massive increases in both for small deals. For the big opportunities, you’ve net-new opportunities and add-on In many companies, outbound prospecting by really got to raise your game. It’s so easy for business from current customers.” Sales Development Reps was the Sales your target to hit the spam button — why would department’s response to the inability of traditional you ever risk your ability to communicate with TOPO: Cloudera Case Report, demand generation tactics to make inroads into the most important people from the most September, 2015 major accounts. Done poorly, Sales Development important accounts by sending them a generic, activities are run in a silo, completely irrelevant message? uncoordinated with Marketing. But now, ABM brings marketing and outbound “ Template emails are roulette wheels. sales development into alignment, focusing If you only get 100 rolls of the roulette Pro tip efforts across teams in a coordinated way. wheel, then you need to increase your Can you swap out basic variables, such In this model, companies combine email, phone, odds [with customization].” as name and company, then send the and personalized social media interactions with email to someone else without having to marketing support and air-cover to develop and add or change the rest of the email? If deepen relationships at target accounts. Craig Rosenberg, Co-Founder and the answer is yes, then you probably Chief Analyst, TOPO have ‘robo-spam.’ 79

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