s e s s e c o r M p B III 7 A t e r a h P T Post-Sale Plays NPS Promoter Play Account Expansion Play (cross-sell) Get feedback on your product, identify Get more revenue from customers. your champions. Expanding into existing accounts is a key Customers can be your biggest and best sales component of Account Based Marketing. With force, but many are not proactive about it. When account expansion plays, you’ll leverage not only a customer responds to your NPS survey with a your team, but also key players from the buying 9 or 10, the timing is ideal to reach out to bring center you’ve already successfully sold to, in order them into your formal advocacy program (referrals, to expand into other buying centers within the case studies, reviews, etc.). There’s nothing more account. This is also a great play for when you effective to achieve that than with personal introduce new product lines or offers. outreach from your team. Renewal Play NPS Detractor Play Retain all of your customers. Get feedback and save customers. In the ‘Subscription Economy,’ more and more Let’s face it — even the best companies sometimes businesses rely on renewals for the majority of end up with unhappy customers. When you come revenue. Use plays to coordinate a specific set of across a detractor, launch an NPS play from an activities to get ahead of the game during the executive to get feedback, give your customer a renewal process. Interactions can come from the voice, and maybe even turn them into a promoter. Customer Success team as well as from Marketing, the original Sales Representative, and   your top executives as appropriate. 96

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