n o i Advanced: account r at ou d y n g ou V in f t Id r l M a ui B hierarchies and demand units P B A Advanced ABM practitioners establish and track “ I don’t see nearly enough companies how account hierarchies and Demand Units relate. understanding the makeup of internal Five layers to a B2B buyer Hierarchies buying committees, and how to According to SiriusDecisions, you should think The largest accounts often have multiple divisions, orchestrate internal consensus about your buyer in five layers: each with sub-accounts. For example, Disney to speed velocity and deal conversion.” • Market — a group of accounts that share a divisions include Studio Entertainment, Parks & common set of traits or needs. This can be Resorts, Media Networks, and Consumer Products Matt Heinz, further broken down into Total Addressable & Interactive Media. President, Heinz Marketing Market (TAM), Ideal Client Profile (ICP) Depending on their ABM practice, companies and then Target Account List (TAL) with might identify corporate parents like Disney as the account tiers. target account. Others define individual divisions, • Account — an organization (think of it as like Studio Entertainment, as target accounts. a ‘logo’). Some decide on a case-by-case basis. • Buying center — a line of business, a function, or a geo-defined region. To sell to global enterprises, create each division as • Demand unit — a group of personas or roles a separate CRM account, then use account which is connected by related requirements, hierarchy functionality to roll data up to the needs and resources. corporate parent. • Persona — an individual who influences or makes B2B buying decisions by playing a role on a buying team. Source: SiriusDecisons via John Common of Intelligent Demand 137

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