s e s s e c o Where your insights r M p B III 7 A t e r a h will come from P T As an ABM practitioner, you’ll use a Blog posts — more and more senior executives wide range of sources to build up a are blogging, either on the company site or on other complete picture of the target market, industry forums. Always read their posts and capture account and persona: the insight. Market data — articles and analyst data on the Direct conversations — captured by your SDRs, market and competitors give you essential context salespeople and event staff. for your messages. Existing connections — someone in your company The content they consume — seeing what blog — or inside your partners, suppliers or customers posts, articles and eBooks a prospect reads tells — may have deep experience with the account or you a lot about their current interests. Track this the people in it. engagement on your own site with marketing automation, and partner with vendors of ‘intent Social media — the information people share on data’ to help track it off your site. social media can be pure gold: it’s timely, relevant and personal. Monitor LinkedIn profiles, Twitter feeds Surveys — when in doubt, ask. Run your own and participation in online forums. Social monitoring surveys to find out what you don’t know and to tools can help. validate what you do. Or leverage existing surveys to add credibility and weight to your messages. Official company information — annual and quarterly accounts, letters to shareholders, investor calls and every page on the website are all solid sources of insight (it’s surprising how little they’re consulted by salespeople). 56

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