Launching plays There are three ways to launch orchestrated plays. Batch Triggered / Automated Using complex filters that span people, accounts, You can also use complex filters to set up triggers Manual activities, and opportunities first select the exact that launch plays automatically when certain Manual plays are launched when a marketing or group of accounts that you want to target, then conditions are met, for example when key sales user selects one or more accounts and then launch the action or play to the entire list. personas at the account exhibit key activities (or chooses an account to run against them. This can (This is similar to building a list of people in inactivity). This is similar to running a triggered be as simple as taking a single action or as complex marketing automation.) campaign in marketing automation (except that the as a multi-step play spanning channels, targeted latter only focuses on people while plays can focus personas, and players from your company. on accounts). Once you know what works, setting up automated plays like this is a great way to scale your ABM program. 91

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