5. Deliver account-specific interactions You’ve identified your target accounts “ To grow your business, you have to “I t’s not unusual to see 5, 7 or 9 touches and mapped contacts to them. reach out to people you don’t know and to get a prospect to move to the next who don’t know you. If they aren’t stage of conversion.” You’ve worked hard to generate downloading content, then you have to insights about each one. try something else. Welcome to reality.” J.J. Kardwell, Co-Founder, EverString You’ve created relevant content and Craig Rosenberg, Co-Founder & Chief messaging that reflects that insight. Analyst, TOPO Now it’s time to get this targeted messaging in front of the people you most need to meet. This is where ABM gets active. Because, instead of promoting content widely and sitting back until people come and get it (the inbound way), you’re going to actively get out there and make sure your target contacts see and absorb the messages you’ve prepared for them. And, instead of spending your budget trying to reach everyone in your market, you’re going to laser-focus your resources on the named people in the key accounts that matter most. 71

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