Field events in ABM Events are still the area of largest Tips from Maria Pergolino of Anaplan spend across B2B markets. No one does ABM-style events better than Maria. Who should do the inviting? Here are a few tips: In traditional marketing events, Sales They’re valued because a high-quality, face-to-face • Do an event for just one account — holding it in wants Marketing to do the inviting interaction will always be the most powerful way to a venue close to their offices (or even in them!). (because they want new prospects) initiate a discussion, deepen a relationship or • Get a top executive from a target company to speak and Marketing wants Sales to do the accelerate a deal. at an event — it’s a great way to attract others from inviting (because they have the For the same reasons, events are a core component the company. relationships and will invite people of most ABM programs. But with ABM, the target • When a buying center does their go-live, more likely to attend). audiences for all these interactions are the specific hold a bigger party at the client and invite As with so many aspects of ABM, Sales people from the buying teams in the target accounts other teams from across the company and Marketing must work together to you selected in Steps 1 and 2. (laying the foundation for a future cross-sell). draw up the list of event invitees. The Events break down into two types: those your invitation itself then comes from company runs, and those that other companies whoever is best-placed to make that (or organizers) run. approach. When a relationship is already there, it will be Sales. When not, Marketing. Tip: If you’re targeting executives, the invitation should come from an executive in your company at the same or higher level of seniority. 73