The ABM alignment checklist (cont’d) Common ABM warning signs £ The account executive views ABM as a tactic to fit in with the normal way of selling. £ Top management sees the ABM program as a sales drive or campaign. £ People describe ABM as ‘the next big marketing campaign.’ £ Senior sales executives don’t see ABM as a long-term investment — they just want to hit this quarter’s numbers at all costs. £ Management expects quick results and doesn’t have the patience for ‘leading indicators.’ £ Any team members think they already know all they need to know about the account. £ The account executive thinks he or she knows every single person that matters inside each account. £ Sales is not involved in the target account selection. £ The ABM sponsor leaves the company or an acquisition shifts priorities. £ The change management part of the journey is under-valued. £ The ABM accounts are still being bombarded with the mainstream lead generation programs. If you see these things happening, speak up! You can still keep this thing on track. 145

The Clear & Complete Guide to ABM - Page 146 The Clear & Complete Guide to ABM Page 145 Page 147