6. Orchestrate account-focused plays The tactics discussed above are far Orchestration defined Done correctly, Marketing Orchestration ensures more powerful when combined into Leading B2B marketing and sales advisory firm all the moving parts in an ABM play work together orchestrated ABM plays that TOPO found that orchestration is key to a to achieve business goals at a target account. synchronize many different successful account-based strategy. They define orchestration as: interactions and channels as part “ The sequenced coordination of different “ The companies that have had success of an integrated account plan. activities, programs and campaigns across have really positioned ABM as a marketing, sales development, sales and With Marketing Orchestration, you run a customer success to drive engagement with strategic business initiative rather than proactive and coordinated series of personalized multiple stakeholders in target accounts.” a marketing program. Salespeople, interactions, some automated and some human, TOPO goes on to say: finance, IT as well as marketing people that span the entire customer journey. Think of “ Successful multi-channel orchestration requires need to agree that this is an important the marketer as an orchestra conductor. Each coordinated, cross-discipline planning and investment to make, for the outcome to individual tactic is like an instrument (strings, execution against a clearly-defined objective. be most beneficial.” percussion, brass, etc.), and it’s the job of the Orchestration involves the activities that are orchestra conductor to make sure they all work executed across marketing, sales development, Bev Burgess, Senior VP and ABM in harmony. and sales, including individualized outreach (e.g. The more tactics in your plan, the more you need executive touches) and air-cover activities by Practice Co-Lead, ITSMA Europe orchestration. And with more than 7,000 marketing marketing (e.g. media and advertising).” technology companies out there, the need is Forrester also says that Marketing Orchestration helps greater than ever! marketers coordinate and integrate personalized marketing across touchpoints and time: “ Marketing orchestration is an approach to marketing that focuses not on delivering standalone campaigns, but instead on optimizing a set of related cross-channel interactions that, when added together, make up an individualized customer experience.” 87