M B f A s o e l y I t t I s r e a h Programmatic ABM P T Programmatic ABM is a one-to-many style that uses broad programs with Targeted Demand Generation vs. Programmatic ABM light personalization and Programmatic ABM is sometimes confused with Targeted Demand Generation, in which customization. marketers use traditional demand generation tactics but focus the effort on named accounts. The distinction is that in Programmatic ABM each account does get some Each account is generally worth less than $100K personalization, while there is no customization in Targeted Demand Generation. We see the per year, and a company can have hundreds at higher level of personalization becoming worth it for accounts over $50K a year, and targeted any given time (median: 500 to 725). About 72% demand gen being used for accounts in the $25-50K range. of the time Programmatic ABM is used to penetrate Common tactics in Targeted Demand Generation include email, advertising, events, and new accounts, 28% use it for expansion. These direct mail. Because there is no personalization, this style is scalable to thousands or even accounts are often clustered into groups of tens of thousands of accounts. Because the efforts are focused on specific named accounts 100 accounts or so, with an average program in the Ideal Company Profile (ICP), the ROI is often higher than untargeted demand investment of just over $1,000 a year per account. generation — but without personalization, the impact may be lower than ABM. While all styles of ABM can benefit from the use What’s in a name? of technology, Programmatic is the style that Some practitioners call this approach Account Based Marketing, others do not. We think that benefits most in order to drive scale and optimize regardless of what you call it, companies should use the right style of marketing for each measurement. Under this style of ABM, the most stratum of account value. However, we’ve also seen companies adopt only this style, call it effective tactics are e-mail, account advertising, ABM, and end up being disappointed by the results. No matter what style you use, it’s direct mail, account-based content syndication, important to know what you are getting and what you aren’t, so you can avoid overhyping and roadshows / events. ABM and any disillusionment that follows. 32